Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our 2 Favorite Pastimes!!!

This summer, Gracie's t-ball games have kept us on the go. BUT she is LOVING it and doing very well!! We are so proud of her!!!!!

The swing.....

She got on base, now just waiting to run!!

Our other favorite pastime so far this summer has been FISHING!!! Uncle Lavoid's pond has proven to be FULL OF FISH!!
Gracie's of many!
Becca & Gracie showing off their "catch."
Nana giving Gatlin a turn to "hold" the fish!
Gracie, Nana, and the "monster" catfish!
Gracie & Gatlin (trying to pose).....

Memorial Day 2008

Hi! We spent Memorial Day afternoon with our friends, Brad & Danessa, and their son, Austin. Gracie and Austin always have a great time playing when we're all able to get together (they even include Gatlin sometimes)! ha ha....

Gracie resting on the trampoline after swimming...

Austin, posing for a quick picture..

Gat LOVED the trampoline...made me nervous!!On our way to pick blackberries, Gracie, finally, poses for a pic... Gat thought riding in this trailer was FUN!!

Austin...always take a great pic!!

Mark and Gatlin eating blackberries....yes, right off the vine!!!

We didn't even have to rock Gat....