Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January News

Hello to All! It's been a wild, crazy, and exhausting ride since my last post. Sunday after Gatlin's party, Gracie started running a fever (103!!!!), and on Wednesday, we found out she had the FLU!! Yes, I said THE FLU!!! She's good now. The bad days were only a couple and once the fever was under control and the medicine was in her system, you would honestly not know she was sick! Luckily, nobody else that we had been in contact with has gotten it!!

Today, we scheduled an appointment for Gatlin to have tubes put in his ears! :( After many recurring ear infections, they say this is the best thing I can do for him, so.... on February 19, we'll be "getting tubes." I'm a little nervous about it, but I'm sure everything will be fine. Just please remember us all in your prayers.

I hope this message finds you all having a happy & healthy 2008!!

Love to all,

Sunday, January 20, 2008

January photos...

Below are just some random photos I thought I would share....
This is Gat's "you weren't supposed to see that" look..
Grace & Gat posing for Mommy!
Gatlin apparently tired of the snow...
Gracie posing with her snowy swing set..

Gatlin's 1st Birthday!!!

"Snow Day" was also the day of Gatlin's 1st birthday party. He was quite a character with his oohing and ahhing as we opened each gift!
Bath toys... thanks Mimi & Pop!
He loves this Elmo toy..Gracie picked it out!

Our Lil' Bulldog..Uncle Marc was proud of this hat!! Gatlin's Barn Cake....thanks T (Teresa Crosby)!

The Barn Cake again....

Gat really enjoyed having his own cake!!

It Snowed!!!!

We woke up yesterday (Saturday, January 19) morning to SNOW!!! Yes, I said SNOW... and nearly 2 inches of it!! The kids loved playing in it at first, but Gat wasn't too sure about it after a while!

Gracie & Gatlin
Gatlin's overalls were great for the snow..thanks Nana & Papaw!Gracie and her "petite" snowman!!
Nana & Papaw's House
Our sideyard...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Picture Day!

Just sharing some family photos we had taken recently. We had them taken by Nikki Spreen in Covington, LA back in November 2007. (Thanks to our friend, Amber, for introducing us to her and her work.)

Mark, Becca, Gracie & Gatlin

Gatlin Myles

Gracie Kaylyn

Grace & GatGat

Guynes Family

Hi! Welcome to our blog... I'm new at this, so it may take me a while to "keep up" with all our doings. I'll start this in 2008... with some pics from 2007! :) Today is actually Mark's 35th birthday, but unfortunately, he's at work, so we just sent our birthday wishes over the phone and plan to have a "party" for him when he gets home. I will soon to be 30...not too excited about it, but it's absolutely better than the alternative. Our Gracie is quickly approaching 5 years old and very anxious to go to "big girl school." Our Gatlin will be 1 in just a couple of days, but again we will be waiting for Daddy to celebrate. I hope you enjoy our family happenings in 2008. I'm very excited to share them with you! Lots of love, Becca